Sunday 10 July 2016

Hi today am here to talk threw a difficult patch in my life and how I over come it.

A year ago I was really struggling with travel anxiety I didn't want to go away for the weekend or if I did I would go for half a day then come back, it got to a point where it was ruining my opportunities so I seeked help of a therapist which helped me threw a lot about 5 weeks ago I went on holiday but a few days before I was due to go I was sobbing didn't want to go but I pushed myself to go because I wasn't gong to let my anxiety stop me missing out on a good opportunity and a quote that inspired me was nadiya on loose women who suffered from anxiety she said she welcomed awkward situations and pushed herself this got me thinking if she can do it so can I.

If anyone has gone threw this how did you get help and who inspired you or if you are still going threw this comment below I am happy to help.